Courses for professionals

We can prepare a wide range of courses for police officers, security guards, soldiers, firefighters, paramedics, but also members of security agencies, both in Czech Republic and abroad – from first aid to tactical shooting.
You'll can also learn how to solve conflicts, soothe and relieve an aggressive patient (for paramedics).

Professional course selection

We have over 80 different courses to choose from, but if you can't pick, don't hesitate to contact us, we'll sure figure something just for you 🙂

Local police officers

Surveillance police officers are often the first one to come across critical situations. But sadly, their training is not enough. Don't worry though, we can prepare you

  • Specialized first aid
  • Coercive measures
  • Shooting and tactical courses
  • Self-defense for police officers


Paramedics are daily in critical and dangerous situations. We can help them to handle it professionally.

  • Gentle treatment with an aggressive patient
  • Self-defense for paramedics
  • Tactical medicine courses (TECC)

Medical personnel

Medical staff is facing many conflicts and dangerous situations on daily basis and often they have problems to handle situation well. We'll advise you, how to solve those situations using clever techniques.

  • Gentle treatment with an aggressive patient
  • Conflict resolution
  • Assertiveness and negotiation
  • Crisis situations (Active shooter in your area)

Security agencies

Don't let your personnel without top training, it could be dangerous for them or their surroundings.

  • Conflict situations resolutions
  • Specialized first aid
  • Shooting courses

Volunteer firefighters

We sure do expect an excellent outcome, so we would like to provide them with professional training.

  • First aid at car crash
  • Advanced first aid
  • AED course (How to use, etc.)
  • Course: How to solve an exemplar & real-life situations

We have over 80 different courses to choose from, please contact us and leave a note 🙂